
I'm Ray Vanger, a Light painting photography woman artist addicted to waving lights in the dark. Light painting is a combination of painting and photography, darkness is my canvas and light is the brush.

Light painting photography is an art form, a technique consisting of creating Images by capturing the movement of light. In all the creation I do the lightning by hand, I see the movement constantly changing.

The beautiful thing about shooting in the dark is When you shot in the dark you really can manipulate the camera to see what you want it to see and get creative.

I’m exploring all kinds of techniques. Some of my artworks highlight the abstract nature of light. I’m inspired by the beauty of light in all its various forms.

It is a technique that creates the impossible, records the paths of light into the picture, reveals something hidden in the real world.

Light painting is a clear testimony to the beauty of the phenomenon of light. The creative potential of light brings new sensations, new colors, new meaning to our lives.

The artworks are done in a completely dark studio or at night in places where there is no “light pollution”.

Despite the frequent use of concepts such as contemporary art, and the shadow of the technological and digital changes in photography, the emphasis in our artworks is precisely on analog, manual, low-tech aesthetics. Through the use of technique from the beginning of photography to create contemporary art. I think that this way you can reinvent the medium of photography.

All of my artworks are pictures Light paintings created in real time captured to the camera in one single photographic frame. Without Photoshop intervention (Raw files as proof.

Presents at exhibitions\events Irl & Metaverse (NFTparis 23 \NFT.NYC 23-24\ NFTlisbon23- 24 \ Blockchain Futurist Conference 23-24 \ NFTBucharest 24\ ETHBoston etc.

Quote that gave me a lot of inspiration by A.D. Gordon

"The light will not defeat the darkness as long as we don't stand on the simple truth that instead of fighting the dark we must increase the light"

My intention is to raise awareness of the existence of this type of artwork ("light painting") and its inherent charm


This ability practicing light painting, allows us to bring our thoughts into reality & implement it.

Light Painting by its nature, is connected to imagination.

I believe that the more we create with this technique the more we can develop our skill to imagine, and this will naturally affect & apply to all  parts of our lives. Then we can improve our reality & create more developed civilizations

Painting in the vastness of space, drawing manually, by moving the flashlight by hand in midair, in complete darkness, without the ability to see the process until the end point, the camera records the movement of the light into the sensor and only through the camera you can see the creation come to life.

This process asking us exactly that. To paint in our mind’s eye, and then finally see the result materialize in reality into a picture

Today, we experience a world where the imagination is not nurtured properly, due to exposure to the many visual stimulation of the digital age

Imagination is rarely encouraged, practiced or explored. I believe that we can use the potential much more with our given tool by focusing and practicing consciously, and create a new and better reality

With the help of imagination we can improve our reality on an individual level, and as a society.

It is known that our thoughts (imagination) creates our reality